How to Make the Ideal Choice Regarding Thermometers?

How to Make the Ideal Choice Regarding Thermometers?

Posted by Machine Sense on

Thermometers have been a part of all our lives since childhood. Mercury-glass thermometers are the traditional ones, and now with advances in technology, several varieties have been introduced into the market. Let’s talk about the main features that need to be considered while choosing the ideal thermometer. But before that, let us talk about the common types of thermometers that we use these days. 

Types of Thermometers

Based on their use, thermometers can be classified into five categories. They are:

  • Axillary thermometer (This thermometer measures our body temperatures from under the arm)
  • Tympanic thermometer (This thermometer measures our body temperatures from the ear)
  • Forehead thermometer 
  • Rectal thermometer 
  • Oral thermometer 

The ideal thermometer for us depends on the purpose we wish it to serve. It varies widely based on the age and personal preferences of individuals. For example, if we are dealing with a child or an infant, we should go for a tympanic or forehead thermometer rather than going for a rectal or oral one. This is because managing the babies can be difficult, and the processes of measurement of tympanic or forehead thermometers are relatively easier than the others. There are some multipurpose thermometers available in the market as well. Scroll on to get a list of all advanced thermometers that you can choose to measure body temperature and their differences. 

Mercury Glass Thermometer

It is a traditional thermometer that has been in use for ages now. It has become outdated, and a lot of people have replaced this with other new types of thermometers. This thermometer can measure body temperature from our rectum, under the arm, or from our oral cavity. Reading these thermometers is a little difficult. The main disadvantage of mercury thermometers is the fact that they are made of glass which makes them vulnerable and easily breakable. Once broken, these thermometers will release mercury, which is toxic and cause health and other hazards.

Digital Thermometer

Electronic and digital thermometers are much popular in today’s world and can give tough competition to mercury thermometers any day. Reading these thermometers is way easier because of their digital display. The digital thermometers are also easy to use, safe, and durable, unlike its mercury brothers. 

Basal Thermometer

These thermometers are used to gauge whether there has been a slight change in a woman’s body temperature. It is responsible for indicating whether ovulation took place. These thermometers usually take their measurements from under the tongue, or from the rectum. Being super sensitive, these thermometers are used rarely and for emergency purposes only. 

Infrared Thermometers

As the name suggests, infrared technology is used by these thermometers for measuring the temperature of any surface, living or non-living. As all objects give out the radiation, detecting any elevations in temperature can help one get an idea about fever. The main advantage of an infrared thermometer is that it displays results very quickly (a few seconds). Infrared thermometers are available in forehead and ear variants. These thermometers are also quite easy to use and read.

Features to Check Before Choosing the Ideal Thermometer

Because of the availability of tons of different kinds of thermometers, choosing the ideal one can be tricky. Here are some of the basic features that need to be checked before we proceed.


Convenience is the first thing that needs to be considered while picking the best thermometer. Is it easy to use? Is the process tiring? If the thermometer is for a senior citizen or an infant, it needs to be easy to use. If the person has shaky hands or impaired vision, then also an easy-to-use thermometer must be chosen. So before purchasing one, you need to check whether the thermometer delivers readings clear and loud.

Response Time

The world is getting faster day by day. Nobody likes the waiting game anymore. Let’s get real – people are busy and nobody has any time to waste. How much time does it take to display the temperature measurement results? It is an important thing to consider while choosing the ideal thermometer. We should always go for the thermometer that gives rapid results and does not keep us waiting.

Units of Measurement

Some thermometers show the results on a Fahrenheit scale, whereas some show on a Celsius scale. Before choosing the ideal one, the scale must be considered and then the choice must be made. If there is a thermometer offering results in both scales, then that is your best bet.


A lot of people tend to sideline this, but safety is a crucial parameter that must not be compromised at any cost. For example, mercury thermometers are not safe to use because of two reasons- firstly, it is brittle and therefore it can break at any time, causing injuries or any other damage; and secondly, it releases mercury that is a toxic substance and is hazardous for the environment and our health as well. The thermometer must be safe to use and should have a sturdy body. Even better if there is a plastic case available along with it so that the thermometer can be securely kept in it while not being used. 


Accuracy is undoubtedly the most important parameter that needs to be given topmost priority when it comes to choosing thermometers. This is because thermometers are directly related to our health and one should not take any risk with that. What is the use of monitoring ourselves if we are not getting accurately monitored? If we are having an underline health condition, and then we get wrongly monitored, we won’t be doing the necessary things that need to be done to address our health because we are not aware of the fact that we are not well. 

The Most Commonly Used Thermometer and the Accuracy Issue

The most commonly used thermometer nowadays is the Infrared thermometers. Because of the ongoing pandemic, health monitoring has become a must nowadays. All the public places have installed temperature scanners so that sick people don’t get into the public premises and impose a risk on others’ health. Only people with normal body temperatures are allowed to enter and the ones with abnormally high temperatures are debarred from entering. Infrared thermometers are ideal for public places because it does not involve any form of contact as it can measure temperature from a distance. This also reduces the risks of exposing ourselves to harmful germs, which otherwise would have been an issue if the process involved some sort of contact. Another reason that makes this thermometer ideal is that they deliver results very quickly. 

Public places like airports, restaurants, shopping malls, etc. have loads of people who are always in a rush, so a thermometer that delivers quick results are ideal for such places. But even these thermometers fail to provide absolute accuracy because the readings get influenced by the outside weather. These thermometers measure our skin temperature accurately but sometimes, our skin temperature gets influenced by the outside weather, irrespective of our actual body temperature. 

How can Machine Sense help?

At MachineSense, we have come up with a solution. Our IR thermometers have OPX technology inbuilt, which promises to resolve this issue. This technology involves the use of some geometrical special sensors as well as an Artificial Intelligence-based algorithm, that allows it to discard all the effects of cold or hot weather.

Want to know more? Check out the unique features of our advanced IR thermometers now!