Prophecy Retrofits for End Users


In addition to our focused products for specific OEM industrial equipment manufacturers Prophecy Sensorlytics will also be selling sensor packages direct to users of industrial equipment so they can retrofit existing equipment with Prophecy packages. Our beta program is now closed and we will be releasing these products for direct-to-user sales by mid-2017.

Prophecy Sensorlytics PumpSense can be used in a wide variety of industrial vacuum settings. Tens of thousands of industrial vacuum pumps are in use in industrial applications for conveying various granular materials including plastics, food, pharma and many others. Most of these vacuum pumps are used to maintain the entire process line, but are also hidden away in a back room and typically unmonitored until suddenly the material flow stops. All that changes with the Prophecy Direct-To-User Retrofit PumpSense Packages.

Prophecy Retrofits for End Users

Detect and Diagnose
Pumps/Blowers Before They Fail

Prophecy Retrofits for End Users


Prophecy Sensorlytics ElectroSense can be used in a wide variety of electrical system monitoring and reporting applications.

Previously electrical system monitors cost up to $10,000 each and required the interpretive skills of an electrical engineer. But all that changes with ElectroSense. Simply attach it incoming electrical or machine power lines to help monitor electrical usage as well as to detect power anomalies caused by surges, sags, spikes as well as problems caused by VFD’s and large motor startups. ElectroSense makes this technology easily affordable and understandable so that every industrial user can start to monitor power usage and diagnose power problems.

Prophecy Retrofits for End Users

Detect and Diagnose Electrical
Abnormalities as They Happen

Prophecy Retrofits for End Users


Prophecy Sensorlytics MachineSense can be used in a wide variety of industrial components. Using the same sensor package as PumpSense, but without vacuum analytics, popular applications include gearboxes, motors, rotors and the like. These Direct-To-User MachineSense Packages can be purchased directly and set up easily and quickly by the end user in less than 10 minutes to start monitoring and detecting performance failures

Prophecy Retrofits for End Users

Detect Component Anomalies
Before Failure

Prophecy Retrofits for End Users