Six Reasons Why FeverWarn Is The Most Accurate Infrared Thermometer For Schools & Workplaces

Six Reasons Why FeverWarn Is The Most Accurate Infrared Thermometer For Schools & Workplaces

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FeverWarn®, a Baltimore-based company that manufactures and distributes a non-contact, high-accuracy and FDA-compliant infrared thermometers, uses infrared thermal sensors and a custom-developed algorithm to quickly and reliably measure your students’ core body temperatures.  Based on its reporting speed and accuracy, FeverWarn has allowed many American organizations to accurately temperature check large volumes of guests, patients, students and employees.  Now, during the 2021/2022 school year, FeverWarn aims to be the device of choice for America’s schools. 

6 Ways that FeverWarn® Can Protect Your School Community from COVID-19 By Providing Accurate, Large-Volume Temperature Checks  

Speed: Users can get an accurate, non-contact temperature reading of each student’s core body temperature in as little as 1.5 seconds. This makes FeverWarn’s non-contact scanner ideal for large groups of students, faculty and school employees.

High accuracy:  Based on a certified laboratory study, FeverWarn’s high accuracy temperature reading is very close (within the 0.5 range) to a clinical (ear, mouth, armpit) temperature reading.  This avoids false negative or false positive readings or inaccurate indications of COVID-related fevers.

Portable: FeverWarn’s OPX models can measure core body temperature in environments whose ambient temperatures range from 40-104° F. The devices’ portability make them ideal for various school locations and ambient weather or room conditions, including hallways, school bus lines, stadiums and gymnasiums.

Real-time alerts: FeverWarn devices can record and report COVID-positive temperature checks via text or email alerts to designated school personnel, such as school nurses or the principals’ office.

Reliable data for schools and communities:  FeverWarn provides on-board or cloud-based temperature-check data. This data can inform and support schools and school systems as they report in-school infection-control protocols and weekly or monthly case-rate data to municipal or state health departments.

Affordable: FeverWarn systems start at $599, a fraction of the price of camera-based thermal scanners, and significantly less than paying an employee to provide health screens with a handheld thermometer. FeverWarn also works with municipal procurement systems and is NDAA compliant and a GSA approved vendor.

Learn more about how FeverWarn works or watch the company’s explainer videos or view customer testimonials at the organizational website: Questions? Contact FeverWarn at 833-479-2126.