AI and IoT Based Fever Screener

A system to detect infected people (high body temperature) and tracking of their quarantine status automatically by local authorities

Executive Summary

  1. Current thermal imaging technology to detect people with Flu at public place had 3 major drawbacks
    • This requires a person to aim the gun-which is risky and laborious ( since the healthcare worker comes within 3 ft of the infected person
    • It takes minimum of 20-40 second to get a reading and thus it is not high speed scanning where it is required to clear 20-30 people/minute via a gate
    • Also it doesn’t help to register the case automatically in a cloud and allows the authority to assess the risk
  2. This Thermal image based auto-quarantine and control system is a low cost IoT system to make sure people with high body temperature who have tried to enter into a airport, station, bus-stand, market, office, gathering are detected and placed themselves in self-quarantined quickly. The whole system has high degree of automation and reporting
    • Everything from detection of high temperature to monitoring of their quarantine is achieved via high speed scanning technology from Machinesense.
    • Also if used before automated gate, gate will not open if the gate detects a person with high body temp
    • The technology also uses US Patented IoT asset tracking system Crystal Ball and equipped with discrete event detection and location based tracking of incidents

Option-1 : Manual Enforcement

Option-2 : Automated Enforcement

Option-3 : Retrofit System

Why this technology is better than traditional thermal image scanning?

  • Security personal can stay away from supposed to be infected human being passing through the security gate.
  • IoT as solution platform will make it easy to notify top level Govt. official over email or SMS apart from audio alarm for local heads to be notified-exact number of cases of high temperature can be detected and tracked
  • App based registration process will help Govt. to find the address of the suspected person and track whether they have self-quarantined.
  • Historical data will make it easy to count total number of suspected people.
  • Cheaper than available imported hand held thermal gun or similar type of device.
  • It’s also a low cost system-so that the system can be deployed in high number
  • Can be fully automated [ see last slide] –so OPEX will also be very low

Who can be potential customer

  • State, Govt, County officials who want to track the risk of infection by tracking down % of the people who have fever and quarantined
  • Company, Factories, Office who want to make sure employees/visitors with high temperature can’t enter into their premises
  • Bus, Train, Airport- any public transport system who wants to keep their passengers safe.

IoT as solution platform

Flow chart of the complete process

Data monitoring and historical data logging

About Event:

  • Each time visitor’s body temperature is detected more than predefined threshold value like 100.5 F, is an EVENT.
  • Threshold is customized.
  • Each event is recorded with proper date & time in x-axis.
  • Each event generates audio alarm. Alarm initiates registration process at security desk.

Data monitoring and historical data logging contd.

Event sequence Gate No/Location Time Measured Temp Registration status Total Count
Event-1 Gate-1/East 10:30 AM IST 101.2 F Done 6(From 22-03-2020 To 23-03-2020)
Event-2 Gate-2/East 12:15 PM IST 102.6 F Done
Event-3 Gate-1/East 10:30 AM IST 101.2 F Not done
Event-4 Gate-3/South 12:15 PM IST 102.9 F Done
Event-5 Gate-2/East 10:30 AM IST 101.2 F Done
Event-6 Gate-3/South 12:15 PM IST 100.3 F Done

Registration using android mobile App

About Event:

  • Each time visitor’s body temperature is detected more than predefined threshold value like 100.5 F, is an EVENT.
  • Threshold is customized.
  • Each event is recorded with proper date & time in x-axis.
  • Each event generates audio alarm. Alarm initiates registration process at security desk.

Registration using android mobile App contd.

Registration process:

  • Travel history is also to be tracked after getting user’s details.
    • Source:
    • Destination:
    • Mode of travel:

Registration using android mobile App contd.

Registration process:

  • History of “Public Place Visit” recent times is equally important to know severity of other people to be affected who has come closer to the suspected person.
    • Place Address:
    • Approx in time:
    • Approx out time:

Additional Total Automation

  • If security guard can’t be arranged or expensive, a video camera can be installed.
  • People have to download the app if audio alarm is ringing and they have to follow app based self quarantine procedure
  • Whole operation to be enforced by a video analytic operation.
  • Those who didn’t comply, there can be a face recognition and police administration can match database and contact and verify
  • If this is for a company/factory, facial recognition for compliance can be easily enforced.

Email format for Govt. Official to be notified